Spring has arrived, and I hope it’s here to stay! We have enjoyed being able to take Kyzer out for walks in the evening after work the past 3 days, and hope that it is something we can continue to do. If we could just get the wind to stop the weather would be almost perfect (in my opinion!). I’m ready for BBQing, evenings in the back yard, and my best attempt at the flower garden in the front yard. Along with the seasons changing, there are changes coming for us as well! Cory’s training is continuing. After being gone to Texas for a week and a half or two weeks out of each of the past 3 months, with any luck, in the next week or so, he will travel to another store to take his boards to be eligible for his promotion to store manager. It is looking more and more like we will be staying in Hays! Assuming that that this the case, Lindsey has accepted a new job. After working at Simply Charmed for five and half years, this coming Saturday (April 16) will be my last day. I started as a Sales Associate and worked my way up to Store Manager. The last couple of weeks have been crazy. Just before turning in my two weeks notice, my boss made the decision to change some of the inventory of the store. Simply Charmed will no longer be carrying beads. Thursday will be the last day that customers are able to bead in the store, and Friday morning, all the beads will go on sale, starting at 50% off. Last week, and the week before we spent plotting our strategy for the sale and how to market the sale. Then we had to make our marketing materials (e-mails, postcards, in-store posters, and Facebook posts). Then this week so far, we have been busy with customers rushing in to make their last projects in the store. I am supposed to be showing my boss all of the things I do in a typical day, and where all of the files I use on the computer are, but we haven’t had time for that yet. Yesterday I had to help write the job description for my position so that someone new could have the duties laid out in front of them…that was a little weird. Saturday my boss said that we will have refreshments in honor of my “going away”. But, Enough about Simply Charmed, and moving on to the work I will be doing, beginning Monday, April 18th. I will begin at Sunflower Bank as a Teller/Customer Service Representative. I am excited about the possibilities that now lie ahead of me and the new career potential I will have in the future! I don’t really have a lot to say about the new job yet. I guess I’ll save that for the next post. In the last few weeks we’ve been making a lot of trips back and forth between Great Bend and Hays, etc. About 3 weeks ago, I drove to Lyons to attend my best friend from high school, Ashley’s, Baby Shower. We both went home to enjoy a BBQ and the Basketball championship at Chris and Claudia’s house, that Sunday we attended the Spring Expo in Great Bend. We also enjoyed spending some time playing with our niece, Sohpia. This past weekend I went back to Albert for another Baby Shower, this time for Cory’s brother’s fiancé’ Ashley. This week, I will go back to Great Bend again to help with the Eagle Radio Auction on Friday. I think for now, this gets you pretty much up to date. Thanks for checking in!

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